ptemcee plot_mean_log_posterior memory leak with negative infinities
Hi there,
While using ptemcee
, I noticed a memory leak and after some investigation narrowed it down to plot_mean_log_posterior
called when checkpointing each iteration of the sampler. In particular, it's using large amounts of memory (>= 100 GB) when trying to save this figure, when there are negative "infinities" (~ -1E305) in the mean_log_posterior
Running on ldas-pcdev2
, I was able to reproduce this issue with the following standalone script, and reading the same array from meanlogposterior.npy; when I run this script, I get a segfault.
import numpy as np
def plot_mean_log_posterior(mean_log_posterior, outdir, label):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ntemps, nsteps = mean_log_posterior.shape
ymax = np.max(mean_log_posterior)
ymin = np.min(mean_log_posterior[:, -100:])
ymax += 0.1 * (ymax - ymin)
ymin -= 0.1 * (ymax - ymin)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
idxs = np.arange(nsteps)
ax.plot(idxs, mean_log_posterior.T)
ax.set(xlabel="Iteration", ylabel=r"$\langle\mathrm{log-posterior}\rangle$",
ylim=(ymin, ymax))
fig.savefig("{}/{}_checkpoint_meanlogposterior.png".format(outdir, label))
if __name__ == "__main__":
path = "/path/to/meanlogposterior.npy"
mean_log_posterior = np.load(path)
plot_mean_log_posterior(mean_log_posterior, ".", "test")
We were able to correct this issue by filtering out the negative "infinities", like so:
def plot_mean_log_posterior(mean_log_posterior, outdir, label):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# new code
mean_log_posterior[ mean_log_posterior < -1E100 ] = np.nan
ntemps, nsteps = mean_log_posterior.shape
ymax = np.nanmax(mean_log_posterior) # modified
ymin = np.nanmin(mean_log_posterior[:, -100:]) # modified
ymax += 0.1 * (ymax - ymin)
ymin -= 0.1 * (ymax - ymin)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
idxs = np.arange(nsteps)
ax.plot(idxs, mean_log_posterior.T)
ax.set(xlabel="Iteration", ylabel=r"$\langle\mathrm{log-posterior}\rangle$",
ylim=(ymin, ymax))
fig.savefig("{}/{}_checkpoint_meanlogposterior.png".format(outdir, label))
However, there may also be better solutions to this problem!
For reference, I am using a (lightly-modified) bilby
1.1.5, numpy
1.21.1, and matplotlib