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Remove the sqrt(2) normalisation from the scalar longitudinal mode

Merged Matthew David Pitkin requested to merge matthew-pitkin/bilby:scalar-fix into master
All threads resolved!

Following from lalsuite!910 (merged) (cc @max-isi) the sqrt(2) normalisation should be removed from the scalar longitudinal mode's response, to agree with the normalisation of the other modes and make Fb = -Fl.

Merge request reports

Pipeline #74596 passed

Pipeline passed for e390046d on matthew-pitkin:scalar-fix

Approved by

Merged by Gregory AshtonGregory Ashton 5 years ago (Aug 20, 2019 10:30am UTC)

Merge details

  • Changes merged into master with 75bb453d.
  • Deleted the source branch.

Pipeline #75855 failed

Pipeline failed for 75bb453d on master

Test coverage 70.00% from 0 jobs


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  • Moritz Huebner approved this merge request

    approved this merge request

  • I'm looking at the LALInference MR and wondering why @max-isi says it was originally introduced incorrectly? For example, Eq. 1 here also has this factor of sqrt(2).

  • I'll defer to @max-isi here. I know the link Nishizawa paper does have the sqrt(2) in it, but I've also seen papers that say Fb = -Fl, which you do not get if you include the sqrt(2) factor.

  • Hi @sylvia.biscoveanu this comes down to the definition of the polarization amplitudes.

    We usually write the detector output as

    h=FAhAh = F^A h_A
    , with an implicit sum over polarizations
    and the response defined as
    FA=eabADabF_A = e^A_{ab} D^{ab}
    for polarization tensors
    and detector tensor
    . Furthermore, we usually want the polarization amplitudes
    to correspond to the metric components in some standard (synchronous) gauge, $h_{ab} = h_A e^{A}_{ab}
    .Inparticularforthelongitudinalmode(. In particular for the longitudinal mode (
    \ell$), this means (picking a frame)
    hzz=hh_{zz} = h_\ell
    and there's no
    that appears anywhere. (This might become clearer if you look at Sect. IIA in

    Now, we are free to redefine the polarization tensors and amplitudes however we want, but everything must be kept consistent in the expression for the detector output

    . For example, like Nishizawa and other theorists, we can use this freedom to enforce that
    have the same norm as the other polarization tensors (note, e.g., that
    eab+e+ab=2e^{+}_{ab} e^{+}{}^{ab} = 2
    , while
    eabeab=1e^{\ell}_{ab} e^{\ell}{}^{ab} = 1
    ). That is, we can redefine
    eab2eabe^{\ell}_{ab} \rightarrow \sqrt{2} e^{\ell}_{ab}
    to get
    eabeab=2e^{\ell}_{ab} e^{\ell}{}^{ab} = 2
    . However, this comes at the price of either modifying what you mean by
    hh/2h_{\ell} \rightarrow h_\ell / \sqrt{2}
    , or changing the detector output expression to be
    h=AFAhA+Fh/2h = \sum_{A\neq \ell}F^A h_A + F^\ell h_\ell / \sqrt{2}
    . So it's annoying.

    This is all to say that the

    I introduced amounted to a redefinition of the longitudinal polarization amplitude that means it's no longer the
    metric component as one would expect (like for the other polarizations) but
    , and you end up with
    FbFF_b \neq - F_\ell

    Edited by Max Isi
  • Gregory Ashton changed milestone to %0.5.5

    changed milestone to %0.5.5

  • Gregory Ashton approved this merge request

    approved this merge request

  • Gregory Ashton resolved all threads

    resolved all threads

  • Gregory Ashton mentioned in commit 75bb453d

    mentioned in commit 75bb453d

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