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BUGFIX: fixes for calibration reweighting

Colm Talbot requested to merge calibration-reweighting-fix into master

There were a couple of issues with the existing method to pass calibration marginalization options to the analysis reweighting.

  • there was duplicate code setting the calibration model
  • specifying the calibration from only a constant uncertainty spline was completely broken
  • there were typos in setting up the calibration for reweighting

To add calibration reweighting to the reweighting example you just need to add

spline-calibration-amplitude-uncertainty-dict = {H1: 0.1, L1: 0.1}
spline-calibration-phase-uncertainty-dict = {H1: 0.1, L1: 0.1}

or equivalent (e.g., envelope files) to the ini file

    "calibration-marginalization": true,
    "calibration-model": "CubicSpline"

to the reweighting json file.

For more reproducible results, one should specify a file with the calibration curves pre-computed that can then be specified for the file transfer. That will probably require bilby!1201 (merged) to easily make the file.

@gregory.ashton @michael.williams

Merge request reports
