Here we record the most up-to-date review results for bilby, intended for O3. Briefly, we test the sampler on fiducial BBH, fiducial BNS, PP tests, and compare with LALInference on known events. Reviews are set up around a family of prior-files which span the range of expected chirp masses; these prior files are intended to allow easy setup for the online-PE.
: Running bilby version: 0.5.1: (CLEAN) 5621baec 2019-06-05 08:11:55 +1000 -
: Running bilby_pipe version: 0.2.0: (CLEAN) 0b5ca550 2019-06-04 18:42:23 -0700 - sampler: dynesty currently using this branch
All results can be produced from the virtual environment:
$ source /home/gregory.ashton/virtualenvs/bilby-review/bin/activate
Review script
To run all tests in the review, we have a review script. This is accessible via the command line:
(bilby) 16:29 ~: $ bilby_pipe_review --help
16:29 bilby_pipe INFO : Running bilby_pipe version: 0.1.0: (UNCLEAN) 60dd4a6 2019-05-27 06:20:46 -0500
16:29 bilby INFO : Running bilby version: 0.5.0: (CLEAN) b3077544 2019-05-26 20:52:37 -0700
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--submit Submit the job
--bbh Fiducial BBH test
--bns Fiducial BNS test
--roq Use ROQ likelihood
--pp-test PP test test
--prior {128s,16s,32s,4s,64s,8s,high_mass}
The default prior to use
--duration {4,8,16,32,64,128}
Signal duration
Fiducial BBH
The injection values of fiducial BBH events can be found here
bilby_pipe_review --bbh --prior high_mass --submit
bilby_pipe_review --bbh --prior 4s --roq --submit
bilby_pipe_review --bbh --prior 128s --roq --submit
Fiducial BNS
TODO add a fiducial BNS to the review script, should it just be IMRPhenomPV2 with tides?
PP tests
We run PP tests using 100 segments drawn from the choice of priors, with/without the ROQ. Each bullet takes you to the PP test itself, followed by the print out of the individual p-values for each parameter.
prior | command | pp-plot | SNR distribution |
high_mass | bilby_pipe_review --pp-test --prior high_mass --submit |
link | link |
4s | bilby_pipe_review --pp-test --prior 4s --submit |
link | link |
128s | bilby_pipe_review --pp-test --prior 128s --submit |
link | link |
Known events comparison
All event comparisons for known events are stored in bilby_pe_event_samples repo