# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ def parse_command_line():
# Add general options
parser.add_option("--output-dir",metavar="path",action="append",help="Path to directory where frames should be written. Must be given once per ifo for which channels are provided as {IFO}=/path/to/directory.")
parser.add_option("--frame-type",metavar="name",type="string",action="append",help="Frame type to be included in the name of the output frame files. Must be provided once for each ifo anlyzed as {IFO}={FRAME_TYPE}.")
parser.add_option("--gps-start-time",metavar="s",help="The time at which to start looking for data")
parser.add_option("--gps-end-time",metavar="s",help="The time at which to stop looking for data")
parser.add_option("--gps-end-time",metavar="s",default=2000000000,help="The time at which to stop looking for data in frame cache if different from legnth of cache. Script will terminate at this time. Default is to take all times in frame cache. e.g. GPS=200000000")
parser.add_option("--history-len",metavar="s",type=int,default=300,help="Length of time (in seconds) to keep files for in output-dir. Files written more than history-len in the past, will be deleted from output-dir. Default: 300s")