Forked from
IGWN Computing and Software / GraceDB / GraceDB Server
2639 commits behind the upstream repository.
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import os
import tempfile
import logging
import errno
import shutil
class VersionedFile(file):
"""Open a versioned file.
VersionedFile(name [, mode [, version [, OTHER FILE ARGS]]]) -> file object
def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
self.log = logging.getLogger('VersionedFile')
if ',' in name:
# XXX too strict.
raise IOError("versioned file name cannot contain a ','")
if len(args):
mode = args[0]
mode = kwargs.get('mode', "")
if len(args) > 1:
version = args[1]
# Remove from arglist to prep for passing to parent class.
args = args[:2]
version = None
if 'version' in kwargs:
version = kwargs['version']
# Remove from kwargs to prep for passing to parent class.
del kwargs['version']
self.writing = ('w' in mode) or ('a' in mode) or ('+' in mode)
absname = os.path.abspath(name)
self.absname = absname
fullname = name
self.fullname = fullname
# If we are merely reading, just open the file as requested.
# Easy Peasy.
if not self.writing:
actual_name = self._name_for_version(version)
"opening file '{0}' with mode '{1}'"
.format(actual_name, mode))
file.__init__(self, actual_name, *args, **kwargs)
# Otherwise...
# Specific version requsted? For writing?
# I don't think so.
if version is not None:
# XXX IOError appropriate here?
e = IOError(
"Cannot write to a specific version of a VersionedFile")
e.errno = errno.EINVAL
e.filename = fullname
raise e
# XXX No appending. Could conceivably copy the latest
# (or specified) version of the file, then open w/append.
if 'a' in mode:
# XXX IOError appropriate here?
e = IOError("Cannot (currently) append to a VersionedFile")
e.errno = errno.EINVAL
e.filename = fullname
raise e
version = max([-1] + self.known_versions()) + 1
if os.path.exists(fullname) and not os.path.islink(fullname):
# It is not versioned. Versionize it.
if version != 0:
raise IOError("VersionedFile symlink inconsistency.")
# XXX risky. race condition.
#os.rename(fullname, self._name_for_version(version))
shutil.move(fullname, self._name_for_version(version))
version += 1
# Open file, which must not exist.
failedAttempts = 0
while failedAttempts < 5:
actual_name = self._name_for_version(version)
"opening file '{0}' with mode '{1}'"
.format(actual_name, mode))
# os.O_EXCL causes the open to fail if the file already exists.
fd =,
os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL,
# re-open
file.__init__(self, actual_name, *args, **kwargs)
# lose fd we used to ensure file creation.
except OSError, e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
version += 1
failedAttempts += 1
if failedAttempts >= 5:
raise IOError("Too many attempts to open file")
def _name_for_version(self, version):
if version is None:
return self.fullname
return "{0},{1}".format(self.fullname, version)
def _repoint_symlink(self):
# re-point symlink to latest version
last_version = max(self.known_versions())
# XXX Maybe ought to check that we are removing a symlink.
# XXX Another race condition. File will not exist for a very brief time.
except OSError, e:
# Do not care if file does not exist, otherwise raise exception.
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
name = os.path.basename(self._name_for_version(last_version))
os.symlink(name, self.fullname)
# XXX This fails when renaming/mv-ing across devices.
# XXX assumption: tempfile name will remain unique after closing
tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
tmpname =
os.symlink(self._name_for_version(last_version), tmpname)
#os.rename(, self.fullname)
shutil.move(, self.fullname)
def known_versions(self):
path = self.absname
d = os.path.dirname(path) or '.'
name = os.path.basename(path)
# XXX what if stuff after ',' is not an int.
return [int(f.split(',')[1])
for f in os.listdir(d) if f.startswith(name + ',')]
def close(self):
if self.writing:
# no need to update symlink if we were only reading.
# can cause trouble if we were reading a non-versioned
# file -- trying to discover the lastest version fails
# painfully. (max(known_versions()) => max([]))
if not self.closed:
def __del__(self):
# XXX file does not have a __del__ method. Should we?
if not self.closed: