# All notable changes will be documented in this file
## Unreleased
Changes currently on master, but not under a tag.
### Additions
- Joint-likelihood added
- PyMC3 works with the GravitationalWaveTransient likelihood
- flake8 syntax checking in CI
- Binary neutron star source model
- Allow units to be included in parameter labels
- Add nested samples to dynesty output
- Add more __repr__ methods
- Add ability to plot max likelihood and draws from the posterior
- Document samplers in more detail
- Added the CPNest sampler
- Adds custom titles to corner plots
- Adds plotting of the prior on 1D marginal distributions of corner plots
- Adds a method to plot time-domain GW data
- Hyperparameter estimation now enables the user to provide the single event evidences
- Prior and child classes now implement the \_\_eq\_\_ magic method for comparisons
- Fix construct_cbc_derived_parameters
- Autocorrelation calculation moved into parent class
- Fix interpretation of kwargs for dynesty
- PowerSpectralDensity structure modified
- Fixed bug in get_open_data
- Modified how sampling in non-standard parameters is done, the
`non_standard_sampling_parameter_keys` kwarg has been removed
- .prior files are no longer created. The prior is stored in the result object.
- Fix label creation in plot_multiple, evidences and repeated plots.
- Changed the way repr works for priors. The repr can now be used to
re-instantiate the Prior in most cases
- Users can now choose to overwrite existing result files, rather than creating
a .old file.
- Make likelihood values stored in the posterior correct for dynesty and nestle
### Removed
- Removes the "--detectors" command line argument (not a general CLI requirement)
## [0.2.2] 2018-09-04
### Added
- Add functionality to sample in redshift and reconstruction of source frame masses.
- Add functionality to combine result objects.
- Enable initial values for emcee to be specified.
- Add support for eccentric BBH
### Changed
- Specifying detectors by name from the default command line options has been removed.
- The prior on polarisation phase has been reduced to [0, pi].
- More prior distributions added.
- More samplers supported, pymc3
- More core likelihoods, Poisson, Student's-t
- Result print function fixed
- Add snr functions as methods of `Interferometer`
- The paths between imports where changed so that calls such as
`tupak.WaveformGenerator` no longer work. Instead, we need to use
``. This was done to keep things cleaner going
forward (when, for example, there may be multiple wfg's).
- InterferometerStrainData now handles both time-domain and frequencu-domain data
- Adds documentation on setting data (
- Checkpointing for `dynesty`: the sampling will be checkpointed every 10 minutes (approximately) and can be resumed.
- Add functionality to plot multiple results in a corner plot, see `tupak.core.result.plot_multiple()`.
- Likelihood evaluations are now saved along with the posteriors.
- Changed to using `setuptools` for installation.
- Clean up of real data handling: all data is now windowed with a 0.4s roll off (unless set otherwise) and low-pass filtered.
- Add explicit method to create a power spectral density from time-domain data
- Clean up of `PowerSpectralDensity()` - addds `set_from` methods to handle various ways to define the PSD.
- Clean up of ``: adds an `InterferometerStrainData` to handle strain data and `InterferometerSet` to handle multiple interferometers. All data setting should primarily be done through the `Interferometer.set_strain_data..` methods.
- Fix the comments and units of `nfft` and `infft` and general improvement to documentation of data.
- Fixed a bug in create_time_series
- Enable marginalisation over calibration uncertainty in Inteferemeter data.
- Fixed the normalisation of the marginalised `GravtitationalWaveTransient` likelihood.
- Fixed a bug in the detector response.
## [0.2.0] 2018-06-17
First `pip` installable version .
### Added
- Reoriganisation of the directory into `tupak.core` and ``.
- Reading of frame files.
- Major effort to update all docstrings and add some documentation.
- Marginalized likelihoods.
- Examples of searches for gravitational waves from a Supernova and using a sine-Gaussian.
- A `PriorSet` to handle sets of priors and allows reading in from a standardised prior file (see
- A standardised file for storing detector data.
### Removed
- All chainconsumer dependency as this was causing issues.