- Feb 13, 2020
Alexander Pace authored
I think this works. It could defeinitely use some testing though.
Alexander Pace authored
Two changes: change base container from ligo-->igwn. This should update the containers with newer packages since the ligo containers aren't maintained anyore. Also, install htop and telnet for debugging purposes.
Alexander Pace authored
- Jan 28, 2020
Alexander Pace authored
Namely, there was this weird empty but responsive row in the latest table. Also the search button had gone white because of a typo.
Alexander Pace authored
Alexander Pace authored
- Jan 27, 2020
Alexander Pace authored
Changing the look of the latest events page.
- Jan 21, 2020
Alexander Pace authored
Change heading sizes for instance descriptions. update version number, db conn_max_age.
- Jan 17, 2020
Alexander Pace authored
According to the docs, it seems like this is helpful in the case that you have a cluster of elasticache nodes, but i'm only using one. So I *think* that specifying the rules right should have the nodes talk to the correct server and it should just work with memcached
Alexander Pace authored
Alexander Pace authored
Turns out the django-elasticache module needs the address to be in address:port format just to load, so the fake values weren't working. This should stick, jeez this is embarrassing
Alexander Pace authored
Alexander Pace authored
Alexander Pace authored
add fake environment variables to gitlab-ci and dockerfile. these get overridden when the swarm gets deployed
Alexander Pace authored
Alexander Pace authored
Turning on AWS Elasticache. NOTE: this is only available on DEV https://git.ligo.org/lscsoft/gracedb/issues/189
Alexander Pace authored
Did some work to redo the front page with bootstrap css instead of materialize. Generally more compatible.
- Jan 16, 2020
Alexander Pace authored
- Jan 15, 2020
Alexander Pace authored
Adds KAGRA as a preferred idp on the shib login screen
Alexander Pace authored
- Jan 10, 2020
Alexander Pace authored
Adding NOT_GRB and EXT_SKYMAP_READY labels in support of emfollow/gwcelery!725
- Jan 09, 2020
Alexander Pace authored
From what I can gather, there was a time when likelihood and gpstime were integers for CWB events, and so there was an explicit casting of them to integers. Brandon removed gpstime, but left in likelihood before during ER6. Oops.
- Jan 08, 2020
Alexander Pace authored
- Dec 31, 2019
Alexander Pace authored
KAGRA members send a different ldap group name (ldap_name) but the current group stsructure doesn't allow for that. This is a pretty invasive restructuring that basically adds a many-to-one relationship map different ldap names to the same group. I think the tests are still failing, but they should be restructured.
- Dec 18, 2019
Alexander Pace authored
It looks like the previous check that determined if the file_version was None is broken in python3: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8961005/comparing-none-with-built-in-types-using-arithmetic-operators So the comparison of log.file_version=None >=0 would error out. I added the conditional to the top of the block and combined a couple of lines.
- Dec 17, 2019
Alexander Pace authored
For S191216ap, the p_terrestrial value was so small: pastro_values=[('BNS', 0.0), ('NSBH', 0.0), ('BBH', 0.0), ('Terrestrial', 8.427577149405988e-16), ('MassGap', 0.9999999999999991)] python was converting it to a NoneType, which would then fail when you tried to sort or compare values. So, for this view, convert NoneType probabilities to 0.0.
Alexander Pace authored
- Dec 12, 2019
Alexander Pace authored
specifying dataType="float" would cause encoding errors when passed into voeventlib. this change uses autoconvert for all float-type data parameters.
- Dec 10, 2019
Alexander Pace authored
The xmldoc write was never being closed on event upload and so the original copy of the coinc.xml file was never created. Fixed now.
Alexander Pace authored
- Dec 05, 2019
Alexander Pace authored
The comparison that this replaced never worked and always returned false. Changed the type(event) is Event to issubclass(type(event),Event). In testing this shaved ~0.25 seconds off event creation.
- Dec 03, 2019
Alexander Pace authored
upload new images, rework the base page and navbar to be cleaner and more mobile-friendly.
- Dec 02, 2019
Alexander Pace authored
- Nov 25, 2019
Alexander Pace authored
In testing, it was found that updating external events would result in a 500 server error when GraceDB was assembling the update LVALert. The new VOEventParse library was recording three VOEVent fields as <StringElements> instead of strings, which was failing when the event was being dumped to json.
- Nov 24, 2019
Alexander Pace authored
Don't override LVALERT_OVERSEER_INSTANCE settings from envrionment variables.
Alexander Pace authored
1) Fixed a 500 Internal Server error when removing labels from events that do not exist. Basically the ValueError.message method was depreciated in python3; replaced it with a str(error). 2) Bumped version to 2.8.0
- Nov 22, 2019
Alexander Pace authored
Fixed LVAlert server for "test" container, and fixed 500 server error when sorting p_astro list for the public event page. I think this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27776026/lambda-arguments-unpack-error fixes it.
- Nov 20, 2019
Alexander Pace authored
Alexander Pace authored
Reflects new usage of EM_READY and EM_Selected labels in superevent 2.0.