Update saturation limit for ETMX/Y and TMSX/Y with new 20 bit dacs for LLO
The ETM and TMS suspensions are now using 20 bit dacs at LLO for all stages, so the saturation limit will need to be updated accordingly in the lockloss script
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The ETM and TMS suspensions are now using 20 bit dacs at LLO for all stages, so the saturation limit will need to be updated accordingly in the lockloss script
mentioned in merge request !102
mentioned in issue #190 (closed)
@camilla.compton would you know how to fix this for LLO, or who to assign it to ? The most recent lockloss saturations limits are out of range, probably because of wrong dac settings. See example below :
Thanks for brining this up and reminding us Arnaud, @austin.jennings and I can get this sorted this week and check on the status of !102. @arnaud.pele are these the only suspensions at LLO with new 20 bit dacs?
We also have this new alog 66836 from Jeff with an update of LHO 20-bit DACs.
From Stuart at LLO : "I believe Keith aims to have the last 2 remaining front-ends (L1SUSH2B and L1SUSH56) swapped to 20-bit DACs for O4. I think he is awaiting delivery of 20-bit DACs. So this includes a strange mix of the IM's RM's OMC SR3 and top 2 stages of SRM are still on 18-bit DACs at the moment for LLO."
So currently all suspensions are on 20-bit DACs, except for the ones listed above.
mentioned in merge request !121 (closed)
Should be addressed by !122 (merged) !124 (merged) This can be closed