Lalinferencemcmc testjob 1 of 4 checklist items completed!1226
WIP: introduce error in Makefile.am 0 of 4 checklist items completed!1297
Run top-level build jobs in CI with python3 1 of 4 checklist items completed!1550
also reset permissions for macos wheels 1 of 4 checklist items completed!1744
don't install createrepo 1 of 4 checklist items completed!1766
Draft: Resolve "Update default merge request template: backward (in)compatible changes" 0 of 4 checklist items completed!1786
get coverage visualization in GitLab working 0 of 4 checklist items completed!1391
Expands linting 1 of 4 checklist items completed!1298
allow upgrade tests to fail 1 of 4 checklist items completed
Add code coverage analysis 1 of 4 checklist items completed
WIP: Add missing package dependencies 1 of 4 checklist items completed
More improvements to the conda recipes 1 of 4 checklist items completed
Always run "make check" with VERBOSE=1 1 of 4 checklist items completed