WIP: Fixing S-depdent L precession equations. 2 of 4 checklist items completed!958
WIP: Fix spin precessing equations 2 of 4 checklist items completed!1174
[REL] Prepare lalsimulation-2.1.0 1 of 4 checklist items completed
Fix spin evolution equation for SpinTaylor approximants 2 of 4 checklist items completed!1412
lal*/Makefile.am: build test/ before bin/ 1 of 4 checklist items completed
Fixing spin contributions to orbital angular momentum in SpinTaylorTx precession equations 1 of 2 checklist items completed!1594
Porting FTA infrastructure to master 2 of 4 checklist items completed
Fix NRSurrogate negative-odd-m modes prefactor in polarisation and modes functions. 1 of 4 checklist items completed
- Closed
- 0 of 3 Approvals
updated -
Add missing build dependencies 1 of 4 checklist items completed
- Closed
- 2
- 0 of 7 Approvals
updated -
Padynamics 0 of 4 checklist items completed!1402
Spin induced quadrupole moment analysis reviewed branch 0 of 4 checklist items completed!1551
Draft: Remove unnecessary VCS/Build info makefile variables 1 of 4 checklist items completed
lalsimulation: update packaging for rocky 1 of 4 checklist items completed!1775