- Feb 11, 2021
Jameson Rollins authored
simplify things a bit
- Jan 09, 2021
- Jan 06, 2021
Jameson Rollins authored
- Jan 05, 2021
Jameson Rollins authored
Jameson Rollins authored
Resolving Issue 85: TypeError in coatingthermal with old version of numpy See merge request !119
Using explicit np.flipud instead of providing axis=0 or relying on default behavior closes #85
Jameson Rollins authored
fix setuptools_scm LookupError bug See merge request !120
Kevin Kuns authored
If setuptools_scm is installed but gwinc is not called from the gwinc directory, a LookupError was previously thrown. Now the version is set to '?.?.?' in this case. Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s) clean up patch
Jameson Rollins authored
Jameson Rollins authored
lalsuite is currently broken in buster. this should only be temporary.
Jameson Rollins authored
- Dec 29, 2020
Jameson Rollins authored
- Dec 16, 2020
Jameson Rollins authored
Use --range to turn on range calc, and --waveform-parameter to override param defaults.
Jameson Rollins authored
Jameson Rollins authored
Jameson Rollins authored
Christopher Wipf authored
simplified range handling Closes #79 See merge request !117
- Dec 15, 2020
Jameson Rollins authored
Update Cosmic Explorer interferometers See merge request !116
Kevin Kuns authored
- gravg_pwave and gravg_swave use Bessel and Struve functions to speed up the calculations. - the original numerical integrals have been kept as an exact option.
Kevin Kuns authored
* update the Cosmic Explorer noise budgets to those shown in arXiv:2012.03608 * remove CE2 and add CE2silica and CE2silicon
- Dec 11, 2020
Jameson Rollins authored
Jameson Rollins authored
All ranges are calculated automatically if the inspiral_range package is provided, and the resultant metrics are printed to stdout. Just the "range" is added as plot subtitle.
Kevin Kuns authored
the new seismic sub-budgets did not have this option
- Nov 18, 2020
Jameson Rollins authored
Displacement to force calibration See merge request !111
Jameson Rollins authored
Adds suspension thermal noise sub-budgets. This addresses 1/3 of #51. Suspension thermal noise can now be broken up into horizontal and vertical noise of each of the suspension stages. With one exception, which does not change the total noise, the calculation is the same as the current calculation but the contributions of each stage and direction are tracked separately. In the current calculation the horizontal and vertical spring constants of each stage are broken up into an upper and lower joint and are stored separately. The total suspension thermal noise is then calculated by adding the contributions of each of these joints using the appropriate temperature of each joint. Instead of adding the contributions of each joint all at once, this MR makes it possible to track each stage with separate `Noise` classes and add them all to a sub-budget. The noise for each stage is the sum of the noise from that stage's lower joint and the noise from the upper joint of the stage below. In the case of the top mass, the contribution from the upper joint is also included. In the current calculation, for the upper stages, the imaginary part of the horizontal spring constant is equally distributed between the upper and lower joints while it is only attributed to the upper joint for the test mass. The one change this MR makes to the calculation itself is to distribute this equally between the top and bottom joints as is done for the upper stages. The imaginary part of the vertical spring constant is only attributed to the upper joint of each stage. The blade springs are the only contribution to the vertical spring constant for the upper stages while the lower stage also includes the continuum fibers or ribbons. It's unclear how to break this up into an upper and lower stage as is done in figure 14 of https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.11173, so this MR does not have vertical noise of the test mass. (The noise is included, it's just attributed entirely to the PUM.)
- Nov 17, 2020
Jameson Rollins authored
Radiation pressure calculations use suspension instead of free mass susceptibility Closes #71 See merge request !114
Kevin Kuns authored
* All quantum calculations use the final stage suspension mass instead of calculating it from the test mass radius and thickness * shotradSignalRecycled uses the suspension susceptibility instead of the free mass approximation
Jameson Rollins authored
Seismic noise sub-budgets See merge request !110
Kevin Kuns authored
- Break seismic noise up into contributions from horizontal and vertical motion. - Moved code to calculate the platform motion from noises.py into seismic.py. - Removed duplicate dhdl function from noises.py.
Christopher Wipf authored
add plot method to BudgetTrace object Closes #75 See merge request !112
Jameson Rollins authored
Resolve "BudgetTrace instances are helpless" Closes #78 See merge request !115
- Nov 16, 2020
Christopher Wipf authored
- Nov 02, 2020
Jameson Rollins authored
Defer setting plot backend as much as possible See merge request !113
Duncan Macleod authored
- Oct 27, 2020
Jameson Rollins authored
just calls plot.plot_trace closes #75
Jameson Rollins authored